Payment made: GPSC increases maternity and in-hospital fees

Jan 21, 2020

Eligible family doctors who provide maternity care and in-hospital care received retroactive payments on their January 15, 2020 remittance statement for the rate increases introduced by the GPSC last year. Retroactive payments are identified by adjustment code “80.”

The MSP system has been updated with the new rates since December 2019. The rate increases have been paid retroactively to April 1, 2019. The increases apply for the first hospital visit of the day (P13338) and the first 25 deliveries of the calendar year (G14004/5/8/9).

The decision to increase rates was made by the GPSC to recognize the role of family doctors in providing maternity care and in-patient care in hospitals. The Committee recognizes that the increases are one step of many needed to address the challenges facing maternity care and in-patient care, and felt it was important to direct funding to signal support at this time while work continues toward longer term solutions.

Read more about the rate increases.