Message to divisions on flu immunization

Sep 9, 2020

With influenza season around the corner, many divisions and physicians are considering how they will approach flu vaccinations this year. A wave of COVID-19 and flu in the fall would be a double burden on seniors and other high-risk groups.  With COVID-19 still circulating in the province, we anticipate that the need and demand for flu vaccinations will be high. At the same time, precautions around space, patient flow, physical distancing, and infection control measures required to keep clinical offices safe require different approaches and planning than has been needed in the past.  Undoubtedly, many of you will have questions about the status of planning.

At the local level, it is important that health authorities, divisions and other partners work in alignment with public health teams to ensure that together we are able to meet the needs of communities.  Regional health authorities and divisions are encouraged to develop plans together. If you have not heard from your health authority yet, please reach out and begin this dialogue. 

Meanwhile, Doctors of BC, GPSC and Ministry of Health staff are in discussions about the provincial approach, and we will keep you updated on progress.

Physicians will be playing a critical role in helping to keep patients, their families and communities safe from influenza. GPSC is here to ensure that you are supported and engaged appropriately in conversations, partnerships and planning taking place to address this issue. If you have questions, please connect with your Engagement Partner or e-mail